Saturday, July 22, 2006

Surgery vs. Waiting (with the possibility of surgery)

I learned another important lesson yesterday at the doctor's: I can't read x-rays despite all my research online. I saw a sneak peak of my x-ray, and saw this glowing white line, which I thought was the stress fracture, but there are still NO signs of healing.

So here are the options:

1. Surgery- one to two half inch slits to insert the screws into my femur. It would be done at the outpatient center, with a suggested overnight stay, though I might be able to go home that night. The chance of infection or nerve damage is low. (If the slow healing process is the result of something internally wrong that could lead to the surgery not healing and possibly other issues. Blood work here I come.)

2. Wait Another 4.5 Weeks- this might give my hip the time it needs to heal (femoral neck fractures take 6-12 weeks to show signs of healing), but if it isn't healed by then I will need surgery. If I fall, this would most likely cause a full break and put me at risk for AVN, thus total hip replacement. We're looking into a drug that is used for bone growth to see if there are any studies that show it's ability to help with fractures.

I'm supposed to make a decision by Monday, but I think I'm going to need more time. I've been talking to a lot of people, and have lots of question to ask the doctor:
· If I have surgery, how likely is it that I will need other surgeries on the hip in the future? (i.e. hip replacement)
· Do the pins stay in? Or will I have them removed?
· If we wait, and it doesn't heal will this mean a slower recovery after surgery?What is my rehab surgery vs waiting?

I'm trying to make the best decision for my body with the most information possible. I'm ok either way, just have a lot more that I know I need to ask the doctor.

Comments, or additional questions welcome.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Happy Jen Had a Party...I'm Really Not as Upset as my Last Blog

Ok, so I thought I'd set something straight. I had a party on Saturday with lots of friends and family to celebrate my MBA graduation, it rocked. I'm not upset about the possibility of surgery anymore, I just want to feel better and walk around 100% of the time and not have pain in my leg. I'd almost welcome surgery at this point, to which Lisa keeps reminding me that surgery should only be a last resort and she reminds me again that surgery equals more pain (no thank you!). I agree, I've just lost a lot of my patience as it seems I'm watching summer fly by and having to cancel plans hasn't been much fun. But oh well, Lisa and I are going to be two naughty girls in... oh I can't say yet, it would ruin the surprise.

It has been fun, my girls are making sure I get out. Oh yeah, and my excuse that I'm going swimming or biking has so far been a lie, I've been a lazy girl. I need a schedule.

Well, I'm going to the doctors tomorrow, a week and a half early, because I had pressure in my hip and pain in my leg for two days. So I should have something to say tomorrow....I'm hoping for the "you're experiencing psychosomatic problems from paranoia" or him telling me to suck it up.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Beginning to Walk & The Not So Good News
Deflated, that's a better description of how I'm feeling. The day started off optimistic, I was ready to start my walking program today, and even more ready to go out with a couple girlfriends after work (I'd get to drive- the first time in 7 weeks). All I needed was the doctor's ok to walk and drive, and find out what my recovery was to entail. Start with the typical x-rays then wait for the doctor, but it wasn't the happy smile, it was the we have some issues look. The first thing he asks is if I've been putting any weight on my right leg, maybe a couple times it's touched the ground a little bit of weight but no walking.

The rest of the talk goes something like this: "I was looking at your x-rays and called my partner in, we stared at it for 10 minutes and couldn't find any indication of the fracture healing on the x-rays. I want you to start slowing putting more weight on your leg and see how it feels, if you have any and I mean ANY pain you are to call me at once. If this happens you'll have to have surgery and we'll put pins in to secure your hip. We're also going to check the recovery in another four weeks, if this doesn't show it healing then again you'll need surgery."

So after a couple cries, yes I admit it, I cried a handful of tears here and there, I'm finally numb after being frustrated and scared. Surgery wouldn't be too bad (if it was 7 weeks ago, and there wasnt another recovery period), but I've killed my social life in so many ways, I love summer/working out/being active, so this has been torturous. I want to start running, but will settle for biking and swimming, which I can do as long as it doesn't hurt (baby steps, one thing at a time).