Monday, May 22, 2006

Femoral Neck Fracture

Friday was loads of fun, add a little false hope and you have yet another adventure that I think I'd rather avoid... I went to the orthopedic surgeon's and he took a look at the x-rays, there was not any indication of a fracture (my pelvis isn't perfect - part of the bone didn't grow completely so there's a little space) and after some movement test, he said I might be lucky and have a hip flexor stain after all. I went in immediately for a MRI so we could have a definitive answer. That was an experience, I understand why some people have issues with small spaces, the air feels different and if I lifted my head I could have hit in on the dome. They said the tests would be done at 2:30, I wasn't that worried I wasn't going to see the doctor until Monday after I had my bone density testing done.

I went to lunch with my mom and had just bit into my sandwich when my phone rang, it was the OS calling to tell me to come right in. Umm, that can't be good. So in I go, and I'm not lucky, actually it's worse than he thought, it isn't my pelvis but my femoral neck that's fractured. He starts to tell me that I have to stay completely off of my right leg and the complications that can arise should I decide to put pressure on it. The stress fracture can displace, with that the head loses blood flow and can die resulting in required surgery and permanent arthritis with a potential for more issues- do I ever want to walk again? He had to have said no weight bearing and crutches and made sure to point this out, and that this news generally tends to lose something over the phone.

Once a week for the next 3 weeks I will have x-rays taken to make sure I'm healing and the head hasn't displaced or lost blood flow. Then, in 6 weeks, hopefully the x-ray will show enough healing that we can start working on walking. No marathon, and we're not even going to talk about it. I keep hoping it's the you have to walk before you run... (It's ironic I hated running for 15 years, and made myself run for a great cause, now I love it and can't do it.) Actually, the way it sounds, I might not ever be able to run a marathon (possibly not run again) and I was so close to it, but if there's a chance even if it takes years, I will do it - with the blessing of the OS. If not, there's always another endurance sport to try.

So now, I get to sit or lay down as much as possible or crutch around. Upper body work is the only working out I'm allowed to attempt. How many days can you lift weights?

I do have a disabled placard, but it's not as cool when you actually need it.

Still waiting on this morning's bone density testing and hoping that it comes back with positive marks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

4:25 AM  

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